Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Math Games

A large part of the Everyday Mathematics curriculum is math games.  Once a week, students will have the opportunity to practice their math skills by playing math games during our allotted math time.  These games can easily be played at home, so ask your child about these math games and incorporate them into your family game night!

If you have access to an iPad or iPod Touch, search for Everyday Math Games to find some of these games to provide another way for the children to practice their math skills.

Playing Penny Grab...

Counting Pennies

Writing down the amount of pennies  

Comparing pennies

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Thank you for helping your child find three different rocks to bring to class.  Students had so much fun classifying their rocks.  Students sorted their rocks at four different stations:  Color, Size, Texture, and Favorite.  

Sorting by Color:
Dark, Medium, Light

 Sorting by Size
Big, Medium, Small

Sorting by Texture
Rough, Smooth, Both

Sorting their Favorite

Math Explorations

During Math Explorations, students have the opportunity to explore different math manipulatives. These manipulatives will be used in future math lessons. 

Students working hard writing their numbers as high as they can. 
Students will be expected to write their numbers to 100 correctly by the end of First Grade.

These students are having fun using the unifex cubes to create patterns.
Unifiex cubes will help students visualize different patterns.

 Making patterns with tangram blocks.
Tangram blocks are great tools to review and introduce shapes.

Building with Base 10 Blocks.
We will use Base 10 Blocks to visualize place value 
(Hundreds, Tens, Ones Place).
Students matching numbers on dominoes.
Dominoes will be used as another addition strategy.


Welcome to First Grade!!  Please follow our classroom blog this year and watch how bright the children will shine in First Grade!